Wednesday, May 21, 2014

welkom to my Indonesia (PART 1)

Hi, there! This post was specially made for the honor of my beloved country, Indonesia.
I went to many places and I found some native's writings which absolutely triggered my laughter.
Here we go!

This picture was taken when I ate in my family's favorite restaurant.
Well, the truth is, the most recommended food in this restaurant is
Sop Buntut or Oxtail Soup, but I don't think I see 'Sop' or 'Soup' in that menu.

I only found 'Shop Buntut' and 'Shop' there. 
By the way, how can you eat a 'Shop' with your cute mouth? hmmm...
And, what is 'Setrup' anyway??

This was taken near Agrotawon, Lawang, East Java.
As far as I know, this place is often becoming a tourist destination. But then, I found this!
What do you think the correct spelling are for those words?? hmmmm.....
Or, they are indeed some kinds of new variety of fruit.
Just like an old fashioned puzzle says, "Apa bedanya KUCING sama KUCRING?"
the answer is "Kalo KUCING kakinya EMPAT, kalo KUCRING kakinya EMPRAT"
haha what a mind blowing puzzle! :|  

This picture was taken from the superstructure of a ferry in Ketapang, when I went to Bali.
I wasn't so sure at first. But, then I recognized that creature very well.
Yes, the same species of human being was sleeping soo soundly up above his truck.
And the most terribly horrific thing was, some of the buses and trucks let their engine on.
Plus, the chimney of this ferry was that huge.
Of course, the smoke was overwhelming the deck and the entire ferry.
hmmm... I just don't get it. Was this man actually sleeping or... ??
No one knows. No one checked his beat, though :(  

This was taken when I was attending Bali Community Day in Desa Budaya Kertalangu, Bali.
This event was held by Indonesia Berkebun with cooperation of some communities in Bali.
This was in BALI, an INTERNATIONAL destination. I saw some foreigners attending this event.
But, I found this wide signed wall. I thought it's just my eyes blurring because I was soo tired.
I thought that it's just me hallucinating that there were two 'TO BEs'.
But, NO. What should I do?? I am not a spiderman who can save the world *lapooaeseh

OK. Where do you think this picture was taken?
What do you think the writer was trying to say?
Where do you think the 'SURF' is actually ???

Well, that's what makes my country even more beautiful. There are soooo many places to go. There are soooo many footsteps needed. And, there are soooo many smile you can get in every footstep you take.

Enjoy the beauty of this country..
and Greet the hospitality :)

visit also welkom to my Indonesia (PART 2)


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